
Merciful Christ |

The Trees |

Tree of Life 2 |

Acquired |

Wave of Flowers |

Summer Light |

"Angel" (in progress) |

Three Graces |

Universal Woman |

Acquired |

Gravity |

Acquired |

Drip Drop |

Acquired |

Solar Magnetic |

Aquarius |

Start of the Beginning |

Mediterranea |

Quantum Beat |

Positive Waves for
a World at War
Acquired |

Mermaid |

Entanglement |

Blues |

Cosmic Skyline
Acquired |

"Technoscape" |

Acquired |

Animal Party |

Summer Dance 1 |

Lotus |

Spell |

Acquired |

Eve and the Snake |

Snake |

Yin-yang |
Jungle |

Tunnel of Life |

Street Dancers |

Mediterranean Fizz |

Self Portrait |

Little Planet |

Dolphins |

Graces |
Surface |

Blueprint for Existence |

Magic Tree |

Swallow |

Logos |

Exoplanets |
Forest |

Mystique |
Black Swan |

Winter Fall

Speedy Eyes
Acquired |
Ritual |
Contemporary paintings by Rafael Gallardo
Washington DC and Barcelona